Pakistan’s government has set a goal of producing 1 million AI-trained IT graduates by 2027. This goal is part of the country’s National Artificial Intelligence Policy, which was launched in 2022.

The policy aims to make Pakistan a global hub for AI research and development. To achieve this goal, the government is investing in AI education and training, as well as in the development of AI-enabled businesses and industries.

The government’s goal of producing 1 million AI-trained IT graduates is ambitious, but it is achievable. Pakistan has a large and growing population of young people, and many of them are interested in pursuing careers in IT and AI.

The government is providing financial assistance to universities and colleges to develop AI courses and programs. It is also providing scholarships to students who want to study AI abroad.

In addition to education and training, the government is also investing in the development of AI-enabled businesses and industries. The government is providing tax breaks and other incentives to businesses that adopt AI technologies.

The government’s goal of making Pakistan a global hub for AI research and development is a bold one. However, with the right investments and policies, Pakistan has the potential to achieve this goal.
