Tom Hanks has issued a cautionary message to his fans regarding an advertisement featuring what appears to be him but is, in fact, an artificial intelligence (AI) fake.

In an Instagram post, the renowned actor stated, “There’s a video out there promoting some dental plans with an AI version of me. I have nothing to do with it.”

Hanks has previously expressed concerns about the artistic and ethical challenges posed by AI in the entertainment industry.

The use of AI-generated content, including deepfake technology, has been a contentious issue in Hollywood, leading to strikes by prominent actors and writers.

As AI technology has advanced, it has become increasingly proficient at creating highly realistic virtual replicas of real individuals, commonly referred to as deepfakes. Many celebrities, including financial expert Martin Lewis, have fallen victim to deepfake scams.

The misuse of deepfakes has extended beyond entertainment, with instances of deepfake pornography and the targeting of politicians.

In response, the government in England and Wales has strengthened legislation to prosecute offenders involved in such activities.

AI-generated images and videos of politicians have also contributed to the spread of online misinformation. Companies like Google have introduced measures to ensure transparency in political advertisements created with AI.

While AI manipulation of videos and images raises concerns about misinformation, it also has legitimate applications. For instance, AI technology has been used for virtual concerts, enabling bands like Abba to perform in a digital format.

Tom Hanks previously discussed the implications of AI for performing artists on the Adam Buxton podcast, highlighting the potential for AI to extend the careers of actors even after their passing.

This technology allows performers to recreate their roles and appearances using AI and deepfake technologies.

The concerns surrounding AI replacing human roles have led to strikes in the entertainment industry, affecting shows like “Stranger Things” and “The Last of Us.”

The Writers Guild of America (WGA), representing screenwriters, recently reached a tentative agreement with studio executives to resolve labor disputes.
