The HBAR Foundation, the organization responsible for the Hedera blockchain, has recently reported that technical issues are affecting various decentralized applications (dApps) and their users.

This has prompted Hashport, a bridge project, to temporarily pause its services due to smart contract irregularities on Hedera.

Similarly, Pangolin, a decentralized exchange operating in the Hedera ecosystem, has also advised its users to withdraw their liquidity from the platform due to the same network irregularities.

The HBAR Foundation has confirmed that it is actively working with affected partners and monitoring the situation to resolve the issue.

However, SaucerSwap Labs, a DeFi project on Hedera, alleges that an ongoing exploit is currently affecting the network.

The exploit is said to be targeting the decompiling process in smart contracts, a process that can be used to analyze and understand the behavior of a smart contract.

While the exact nature of the exploit remains unclear, SaucerSwap has alleged that an unknown attacker has already targeted Pangolin and HeliSwap decentralized exchange pools containing wrapped assets. However, it is not yet known if any tokens have been stolen.

The HBAR Foundation has not yet responded to requests for comment on the alleged exploit, but the situation is being closely monitored. This is a developing story, and we will continue to update you as more information becomes available.
