Today, Donald J. Trump tweeted, “I am very positive and open minded to crypto companies and all things related to this new and growing industry,” as both sides in the presidential election appear to be courting pro-crypto voters.

“Our country must be the leader in the field, there is no second place,” Trump wrote on Truth Social before speaking at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C., today.

On the other hand, “Crooked Joe Biden, on the other hand, the worst president in the history of our country, wants it to die a slow and painful death.”

Since Trump has actively courted pro-crypto supporters, Washington’s crypto mood has warmed. First, during a Mar-a-Lago dinner this month, the former president endorsed crypto.

Trump’s presidential campaign started collecting crypto contributions on Tuesday, fulfilling his promise to be the first major party candidate to embrace bitcoin, ether, and other digital currencies.

After Trump’s pro-crypto rhetoric and deeds, the Biden administration and the usually crypto-averse SEC seem to have softened their crypto resistance.

The White House opposed the House of Representatives’ crypto market structure measure on Wednesday, but Biden didn’t threaten a veto.

The Senate will consider the legislation after the House approved it. The SEC cleared essential regulatory filings for ether exchange traded funds (ETFs) on Thursday, paving the way for their U.S. availability. One month ago, such an approval appeared improbable.

The former president also launched his NFT collection, which were actually doing great. In January, the sales increased by over 72% this month.
