On September 30, investors removed more than 34,500 Bitcoin (BTC) from exchanges. Since the significant Bitcoin sell-off in mid-June 2022, this is one of the biggest Bitcoin withdrawals from exchanges.
According to Santiment, one of the major market intelligence platforms in the cryptocurrency sector, this demonstrates investors could enter the last quarter of the year with more confidence.
The fact that bitcoin investors removed more than 34,500 BTC from exchanges on September 30 suggests that they are prepared for the upcoming quarter.
The last time at least as much Bitcoin left exchanges, according to market intelligence firm Santiment, was in June 2022, when the price then increased by 22% in only 4 weeks.
The best place to buy and sell digital currencies is on an exchange. These platforms are incredibly user-friendly and have become extensively accessible throughout the world.
Investors can now withdraw and deposit fiat currency, enabling them to link conventional finances with digital assets, thanks to the addition of support for different payment systems.
Additionally, cryptocurrency exchanges are the greatest choice for traders that make market speculations.