In an exclusive interview conducted during Dubai GITEX Global 2023, the CEO of Reputation House, Dima Raketa, shed light on the distinctive features of their reputation management services, positioning the company as a one-stop solution for businesses aiming to fortify their online standing.

Can you provide an overview of your reputation management services?

Our reputation management services are pretty unique in the field. What really sets us apart is that we offer a one-stop shop for all your reputation management needs. We’ve got you covered with everything, from boosting your online presence through SERM—Search Engine Reputation Management—to keeping a handle on your ratings and reviews. We’re also equipped to legally remove any negative information, and that’s a big win for our clients. On top of that, we offer PR services and social media promotion to help you maintain a positive image across various platforms. It’s all about making things easy for our clients—no need to juggle multiple service providers; we have everything you need for your business.

What strategies do you employ to monitor and assess an individual or business’s online reputation?

The approach we use to monitor and assess online reputations is a blend of cutting-edge technology and the expertise of our skilled team. We’ve developed our own proprietary tools and have a dedicated team of experts who know precisely where to look and what to look for when it comes to evaluating the reputation of individuals or businesses. While a lot of the information is available from public sources, the real challenge is knowing how to handle and interpret it effectively. We bridge that gap by combining technology and our team’s know-how to ensure our clients get a comprehensive and accurate picture of their online reputation. 

How do you approach the removal of negative content from search engine results and social media platforms?

Our approach to removing negative content involves a thorough assessment of the content in question. If it’s legally possible, we engage in the process of legally requesting removal from search engine results and social media platforms. There is always a way to do it. Our team is well-versed in the nuances of online content policies, allowing us to navigate this process effectively.

Could you explain the process of crafting and promoting positive content to improve someone’s reputation?

To improve someone’s reputation, we follow a two-step process. First, we dig into their unique story, showcasing their strengths and successes. We don’t make things up; we highlight what’s already there, contributing 50% of their uniqueness. The other 50% comes from our skilled team. We create high-quality content that reflects the client accurately. Then, we spread this content strategically on platforms like social media and websites. This helps people see the good side of their brand, boosting their online reputation.

What tools or technologies do you utilize for reputation management?

We rely on a mix of tools and technologies to manage reputations effectively. Our proprietary tools help us monitor and analyze online content. We also make use of data analytics, SEO strategies, and social media management tools to enhance our reputation management efforts. What sets us apart are our innovative IT products, the ‘My Reputation App’ and ‘Reputation House App.’ These two powerful applications simplify online reputation management, making it more accessible and efficient than ever.

How do you tailor your reputation management strategies to fit the unique needs and goals of each client?

We create personalized strategies for each client by thoroughly studying them, analyzing their existing reputation, and understanding their target audience. This ensures our approach aligns with their unique needs and helps them achieve their desired results

Could you share any notable success stories or case studies from your previous clients?

While we’re committed to protecting our clients’ confidentiality through non-disclosure agreements, let me share an exciting story with you. This past June, we organized a remarkable event right in the heart of Dubai – the Real Estate Reputation Awards. It was a gathering of the brightest stars in the real estate industry. At the awards, we delved into the online reputations of developers, bloggers, media outlets, and educational institutions within the real estate domain. It was a grand celebration of reputation excellence in the industry. We proudly recognized and awarded those who had made significant contributions and upheld impeccable online reputations.

What’s even more thrilling is that this event marked the beginning of a new tradition for us. We’re now gearing up to introduce similar awards and reputation evaluations for companies and brands across various other industries.

What measures do you take to ensure ethical and legal standards are met when managing someone’s online reputation?

We place ethical and legal standards at the forefront of our reputation management. We adhere strictly to the laws of the region we operate in, ensuring that all content removal is done through legal channels. Additionally, we maintain the highest ethical standards in our practices, with non-disclosure agreements serving as a key safeguard to protect our clients’ confidentiality and privacy.

How do you handle a crisis situation when a client’s reputation is under severe attack online?

In a crisis situation, we act swiftly. We engage our expert team and utilize the available tools to address the issue promptly. The key is to start working as soon as we detect a problem to prevent it from escalating into a full-blown crisis. Most reputation crises can be resolved effectively if tackled in the early stages. Ignoring the situation can lead to more significant negative consequences over time.

What is your approach to keeping up with evolving online platforms and trends in online reputation management?

We stay in the loop by being active on social media ourselves. Our team is full of social media enthusiasts. This helps us stay updated on the latest trends and changes in online reputation management. It’s like having our finger on the pulse of the digital world!

How do you measure the success of your reputation management efforts?

We measure our success by looking at our clients’ online reputation. We track what people are saying about them in search results and on social media. A happy client is a big win for us. And when our clients’ names appear on the first pages of search engines or in top media, that’s another sign of our great results. Doing our work well leads us to bigger success; Reputation House became the Best Tech Solution Provider 2023 at the Tech Innovation Awards. We just work and do our work well. 

What advice or tips would you offer individuals or businesses looking to proactively manage their online reputation?

Start taking charge of your online reputation today. The internet is a fast-moving world, and it can change opinions in an instant. Being prepared is key. Learn the basics of SERM and ORМ. Build relationships with journalists and bloggers. Focus on creating high-quality content. Don’t wait for a crisis; be proactive and ready in advance

How was your experience at the GITEX 2023?

We’re relatively new to the UAE, and the response we’ve seen at the event has left us truly impressed. We’re grateful for the turnout of visitors and the positive impact of the show. The new partnerships we formed during the event have significantly boosted our confidence in our expansion plans for the UAE and the broader MENA region. We’d like to extend our sincere thanks to the new partners who’ve put their trust in our solutions, and we’re excited to move forward with collaborations.

We’re also grateful to the Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy and Gitex Global for providing an exceptional platform to showcase our unique services to both government organizations and private businesses. During panel discussions, we had the opportunity to learn from experts in the UAE and share our experiences from the US and Hong Kong. The show has left a lasting impression on us, and based on our success here, we’re planning to come back next year with an even more extensive range of specialized services
