Sonar, a mobile social gaming app that supports NFT-based avatars, was acquired by Aave Companies in an effort to expand the Lens Protocol for identity across Web3 consumer products.

Ben South Lee, co-founder of Sonar, joins Aave as senior vice president of product and design. Sonar co-founder Randolph Lee will join Aave as a principal engineer.

The two will lead a team focused on developing mobile-facing applications that integrate Aave’s Lens protocol, a decentralized identity platform for web3 services.

Thousands of active users of Sonar, an app available on iOS, can communicate with each other through personalized avatars which can be colorful dots or 3D characters for those who have Moji NFTs linked to their profiles.

In 2023, Aave intends to facilitate a broader incorporation of Lens Protocol, Sonar, and other web3 tools.

Aave announced that the Lens Protocol, which provides a digital identity system, is also compatible with Sonar.

This means that users will be able to generate Lens profiles, establish ownership, and take advantage of all the features the Lens Protocol offers.
