Market News

Binance Unveils Semi-Automated Management for Reserve Tokens: Insider Report

Binance Introduces Revolutionary Semi-Automated Reserve Token Management System

Binance, the largest crypto exchange in the world, has switched to a semi-automated process to improve the transparency of its reserve B-tokens. This comes after years of mismanagement, during which Bloomberg reported that Binance stored token collateral with user funds in the same wallet.

The exchange has now set up a partially-automated process that ensures the B-tokens are “always transparently backed.” This is achieved through a system that only allows minting of new coins to take place after collateral has been added to the appropriate wallet.

A Binance spokesperson said that the exchange has been moving the collateralized assets to dedicated wallets over the past few weeks. Each network now has its own wallet, which shows the 1:1 backing of each asset.

They added that the collateral has always been backing users’ B-token assets and has always been available for withdrawal at any time.

The move may be an effort to increase reserve transparency amid a regulatory crackdown on centralized exchanges. The semi-automated system might also enable Binance to intervene if an incident were to impact the B-token reserves.

However, Conor Ryder, a research analyst at blockchain data firm Kaiko, pointed out that the semi-automated system still requires trust in Binance’s management of the reserves.

He suggested that a fully automated process would be ideal to prevent any mismanagement in the future.


Nola Robert is considered a thought leader in crypto industry, and her work is widely read and respected by industry professionals, investors, and enthusiasts alike. Nola is also known for her ability to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner, making them accessible to a wider audience.