A blockchain-based tool developed by Egyptian engineer Mirna Mohammed was created to monitor the Oman value-added tax system.

Consequently, Oman’s Ministry of Higher Education had approved Mirna’s Blockchain VAT accounting platform and will provide funding for its implementation.

It is noteworthy that more Arab women from Oman and Saudi Arabia have recently joined the blockchain ecosystem and contributed to the advancement of society and the economy.

Over the past few weeks, there have been more Arab women working on blockchain initiatives.

Mirna claimed in an interview that her father’s insistence on creating a budget accounting system employing cutting-edge technology was the impetus for her business.

She acknowledged that there were certain obstacles to the project’s development, nevertheless. The Arab world’s inadequate understanding of blockchain technology was one of the main problems. Mirna claimed that many people are still unfamiliar with the technology.

Mirna asserted that “Blockchain is the future,” but she also stressed the importance of giving Oman’s populace greater platforms to learn more about the technology.

She also noted that although blockchain is new in Oman, there are more prospects there.

Surprisingly, many Arabic nations recognize the important role that women play in blockchain technology. The female students at King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia created the blockchain project BidChain.

With the help of the Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia’s Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University honored the students for securing the third place with their BidChain initiative.
