An anonymous wallets traded $1.9 billion worth of Solana (SOL) tokens, shattering the Sunday afternoon crypto market. Over 11 million SOL were traded in this big transaction, generating suspicion.

Whale Alert reports that SOL tokens were transferred from “DnDz” to “4njYP.” Retransferring the tokens to “4fAG,” they ended up at a new address with no transaction history. It is unclear who made this large transfer on Sunday, a low-liquidity day in the crypto market.

This mysterious deal occurs when Solana’s value rises. SOL closed the week up over 20% at $171. Solana had its most profitable week since early March following a month and a half of decreasing pricing that saw SOL struggle to break $200.

Market experts doubt this transfer’s timeliness. Could rich shareholders, or “whales,” be preparing for Solana’s price volatility?
