Ubisoft and Reddit have partnered to give away free Rabbids NFT avatars to Reddit users. The avatars are available in a variety of designs, including a grumpy knight with a plunger and a smiling unicorn rabbit with a golden plunger.

The Rabbids NFT avatars are part of Reddit’s “Snooverse” initiative, which aims to create a metaverse for Reddit users. The initiative also includes the launch of a new marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs.

The Rabbids NFT avatars are available for free to Reddit users who have an active Reddit account and a Polygon wallet. To claim an avatar, users simply need to visit the Reddit NFTs website and connect their wallets.

The Rabbids NFT avatars are the latest in a series of NFT partnerships for Reddit. In July 2022, Reddit launched a line of NFT avatars based on its own mascot, Snoo. The Snoo NFTs were a huge success, with over 13.5 million tokens minted.

The success of the Snoo NFTs shows that there is a growing demand for NFTs from mainstream audiences. Ubisoft and Reddit are hoping that their Rabbids NFT avatars will continue to grow the NFT market and bring new users into the fold.
