The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto remains anonymous despite certain individuals claiming to be him, with no substantial evidence since the creation of Bitcoin.

Edward Snowden, a former computer intelligence consultant who has been on the run since leaking thousands of classified U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) documents to the press, is among those who have been impressed by the speed of Bitcoin’s lightning network, as well as its architect’s continued anonymity.

Snowden’s tweet and comments came on October 31, the 14th anniversary of the publication of Nakamoto’s Bitcoin white paper.

Snowden expressed his fascination with the network’s “basically instantaneous” transactions and its founder’s unwavering devotion to anonymity.

In particular, in a follow-up to the white paper tweet, he stated,

“14 years ago today, yet Satoshi remains anonymous. Remarkable.”

Furthermore, in response to billionaire Leland McKnight’s reluctance to use “a currency that holds up checkout lines,” Snowden stated that these days, transactions on lightning-enabled wallets are almost instantaneous. Furthermore, Snowden asked him if he has given it a shot.

Interestingly, one commenter implied that the crypto community thought Snowden was the legendary Nakamoto, which the former NSA analyst categorically denied.
