Three big movers are topping the headlines this week. Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest sends Monero (XMR) surging on privacy concerns. TRON (TRX) slides as its own arrest bump fades. Meanwhile, GambleFi’s top altcoin, Rollblock (RBLK), is expected to print thousands of new crypto millionaires with 1,000x ICO returns.
Crypto Users Race to the Privacy of Monero After Pavel Durov’s Arrest
The arrest and charging of Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, has crypto users scrambling for the safety of Monero. Monero is the top privacy cryptocurrency, which makes it an ideal haven for users looking to escape the increasing cases of government overreach.
The Monero price is now up to around $175 from $160 one week ago when Durov was arrested. This extends the annual rally for the Monero price from $140 originally.
TRON Gives Up Durov Arrest Bump But Stays Strong On GameFi Growth
TRON enjoyed a small bump last week after its top GameFi competitor, Toncoin, fell when its founder, Palvel Durov, was arrested. However, TRON has since given back those small gains and more. Despite the rise of Toncoin coming at the expense of TRON, TRON is still up this year on the rapid growth of GameFi.
The TRON price is now down to $0.15 despite rising to $0.17 on the news of Pavel Durov’s arrest. However, the TRON price is still higher for the year after opening around $0.08.
Rollblock Is Ready to Mint the Next Round of Crypto Millionaires
The latest estimates giving Rollblock 1,000x growth out of its upcoming ICO means 1,000s of new crypto millionaires will be minted as well. Rollblock’s presale now has over 12,500 registrations, and a large portion of these investors are looking at more than $1 million in value for their holdings after the ICO.
Rollblock’s position as GambleFi’s top altcoin means it is uniquely situated to revolutionize online gambling and take a lion’s share of the $500 billion global gambling industry. Rollblock’s crypto casino is already far ahead of any GambleFi competitors and light years ahead of stale and boring traditional online casinos.
Rollblock combines the latest in UX design with cutting-edge blockchain technology to offer a whole new level of player experience compared to what people are used to. Over 10,000 players from around the world are already enjoying fast and anonymous access to all the best games the industry has to offer.
Rollblock’s gambling token is drawing extra attention with its unrivaled revenue sharing. Rollblock uses 30% of the casino’s daily revenue to buy its own tokens off the market. Half of the tokens are burned, and the other half are used as staking rewards.
This makes RBLK the only gambling token that is always making money, even when not being played.
Rollblock’s current stage six price of $0.024 is expected to grow 1,000x out of the upcoming ICO.
Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the Rollblock (RBLK) Presale Today!
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