Metanoia, an alternative nation ecosystem of products has revealed that it is taking its innovative idea forward to integrate Web 3.0 into the lives of people in the real world. Metanoia has taken inspiration to drive the broad adoption of Web3 to alter lives.

Moreover, the company disclosed that they are more than ready to ignite the finTech space with a variety of services aimed at improving people’s lives. Meanwhile, Metanoia aims to address difficulties and challenges in the world, such as lack of equal opportunity, data ownership, economic stability, and human capital optimization.

The team mentioned that their goal behind the innovation is to stabilize people’s lives and make Web3 a better and more innovative concept for everyone. Alongside this, the company is working to launch a collection of 10,000 Founding Citizen NFTs for minting in the coming days.

Following this, the founder of Metanoia states,

“At the heart of what we do, Metanoia believes that Web 3 or the NFT world is not something that’s “a useless JPEG” or “something very far away”. We want to bring real world utility to the NFT and Web 3 space! All our NFTs will be tied to different categories (Food, Sports, Luxury etc), each with real world benefits with real life merchants that we will partner with. Imagine buying a Mixie Foodie NFT which allows you a free coffee a week, for your whole life!”

Interestingly, Metanoia promises to reward everybody who participates in its NFT with exceptional perks and privileges they have never had before. Users who own complete collections can gain APR boosts when staking their tokens in the Land of Love.

Moreover, Metanoia will utilize a reverse auction approach to conduct a collection of NFT sales. The auction’s starting price will be $10,000 USD, with the minting price falling by $1 USD every minute until it reaches $0 in seven days.

Aside from this, there will be a bounty airdrop promotion of Founding Citizen NFTs, where minters of the NFT will be entitled to Hearts ($HRT), Metanoia governance token. Best of all, the team noted that they have allocated 2% of $HRT for anyone who will mint Funding Citizen NFTs.

Participants of the Founding Citizen NFTs will be entitled to a raffle chance to acquire future NFT drops, which include metaverse aviators, battle pets, weapons, consumables, virtual land, physical land, and many more. Users will also enjoy rebates and discounts on Metanoia’s goods and services, earning a boost with the freedom to make decisions on Metanoia’s DAO.

About Metanoia

Metanoia is an alternative nation that contains an ecosystem of products that aims to integrate web 3 into our daily real-world lives. It has a talented team who are passionate to elevate people’s lives to the next level through Web3.

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