BlackRock and Fidelity Investments have reached a significant achievement with their Bitcoin ETFs, IBIT and FBTC, becoming the leading options in their investment portfolio in less than 50 days.

Despite overseeing a diverse portfolio of 420 ETFs, IBIT was responsible for more than 50% of BlackRock’s yearly net inflows. In the same way, FBTC had the highest amount of money coming into Fidelity, garnering five times more capital than any other fund.

The consistent influx of funds into these Bitcoin ETFs over a period of 49 days highlights their remarkable performance, placing them in a select group of ETFs that have achieved such a consecutive run.

This pattern indicates a significant level of investor enthusiasm and confidence in Bitcoin as a valued asset. Although Bitcoin prices declined, these ETFs had a substantial surge in investments, contradicting the idea of widespread withdrawals during difficult periods.

Historical data also shows that ETF investors have shown strategic patience, as seen by strong inflows during previous market downturns.

Recently, BlackRock has shown moderate interest in Ethereum from its clients, with Bitcoin being the predominant preference.
