BNB Chain, the world’s largest smart contract blockchain, has proposed BEP-341: Governance-Enabled Consecutive Block Production to improve the transaction processing capacity of BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

The proposal aims to enable validators to produce consecutive blocks, optimizing transaction throughput and block production efficiency.

However, BEP-341 introduces adjustable governance parameters to balance performance improvements with security measures.

Key features include adjusting the number of consecutive blocks each validator can produce in an epoch, which can range from 1 to 9, and increasing transaction fees’ split to the SystemRewardContract linearly with the block number, capped by the systemRewardAntiMEVRatio.

BNB Chain recognizes the importance of adaptable and community-driven governance in maintaining the balance between efficiency and decentralization. The introduction of BEP-341 provides a significant opportunity to reboot BNB Chain’s governance features, affecting both validator node operators and traders.

Active participation from validators, developers, and traders is crucial for the success of BEP-341 and demonstrating the effectiveness of BNB Chain’s governance mechanisms.

A formal voting process will be initiated after the discussion period, ensuring every BNB holder can have their say. If successful, BEP-341 will enhance BSC block production efficiency, impacting validator and delegator revenues.

Last week, BNB Chain announced it has successfully activated the BEP 336 Haber Hardfork, introducing blob-carrying transactions.
