Coinbase, the leading crypto exchange in the United States, accomplished the inaugural artificial intelligence (AI) to AI cryptocurrency transaction on August 30, 2024.

This event emphasizes the increasing importance of AI in decentralized finance (DeFi) and its capacity to revolutionize transactions. Coinbase employed the Base Sepolia Network, renowned for its capacity to handle large amounts of data and its cost-effectiveness, to execute this innovative transaction.

Through the utilization of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology, Coinbase guaranteed the security and integrity of the transaction. This cutting-edge technology facilitated the development of an AI agent wallet capable of independently overseeing and transferring cryptocurrency to either a human user’s wallet or another AI agent’s wallet.

This development showcases the capabilities of AI agents functioning independently within decentralized financial ecosystems. Unlike conventional AI, which is constrained to processing data using predetermined methods, these AI agents are now capable of autonomously executing transactions and overseeing assets without human supervision. This feature enables AI agents to engage in transactions with both humans and other AI entities and merchants, enhancing their versatility and autonomy.

The capacity of AI agents to independently execute intricate transactions introduces a novel frontier in the decentralized economy. This technological innovation enables AI to carry out tasks that were previously unattainable owing to technology constraints, such as obtaining resources, making payments for services, and conducting financial transactions without the need for human involvement.

Nevertheless, there are notable obstacles in the process of combining AI with blockchain technology, including the requirement for intricate off-chain logic to enhance efficiency and the caliber of the tools offered. Ensuring the security and smooth integration of these technologies with blockchain technology poses a substantial challenge.
